Slide Special Panels Slide Control Panels Slide Controllers Slide Load Banks For Generators

Automatic electric panels for generators and motor pumps

The electrical panel, combined with the generating set, allows to obtain electrical energy within a few seconds from the lack of the network; it checks the operating status and in case of anomaly intervenes by stopping the generator.
It is complete with a microprocessor-based CONTROL LOGIC, mounted on a self-supporting board with recessed execution, with indications and front controls.
Also supplied with a digital indicator to display the programmed parameters and system status.

TECNOCONTROLLI also proposes

• Consultancy and technical assistance before and after the purchase
• Complete installations
• Commissioning and technical and operational suggestions
• Scheduled periodic maintenance
• Training courses for the Client's staff


The TECNOCONTROLLI s.a.s. is born in 1980 and proposes him on the market as builder of electric boards satisfying the demands in different sectors:

  • Electronic logics to microprocessor for the manual and automatic control of generator groups and fireproof motor-pump.
    – Automatic and manual boards for generator groups
    – Boards for electropumps
    – Boards for motor-pumps
    – Boards for electropumps and motor-pumps to norms UNI-FIREPROOF.
    – Battery chargers and inverter
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